Musical Tastes to be drawn upon


I'm a huge listener and fan of music of all genres from the 'commercially inaccesible' realms of black metal, grindcore, death metal etc through more commercial metal and rock, classic punk and "pop-punk", ska, reggae and blues all the way to the equally 'commercially inaccesible' scene of ambient electronic music. My taste in music often has a stong sway towards progressive music and branches off to folk, jazz and acoustic rock but is originally rooted in classical (due to past musical involvements). You will rarely hear me listen to R&B or rap but I will not deny its existence or that some finds its way into my collection!


Almost the same but with less variance from "generally accessible" music. Self-confessed liking of very 'cheesy' music and spontaneous blues solos but with a general shyness of music using unconventional time signatures or vocals involving growls/shrieks.

Music styles are just healthily different enough that we introduce new bands and ideas to each other.


Details to come but generally a wide taste with a lot of kick-ass metal!

Records of tastes

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