Music Projects Overview
I have begun a number of music projects but am so far sitting quietly on the material. I have written over 125 lyrics with about 30 in progress and have sporadically written music but never completed anything!
Due to the very different diverse music genres liked and lyrics written, I have decided to divide the musical exploration (to use a broad term!) into several smaller projects. I appreciate some musicians with a potential future involvement may only wish to play a certain style. Dividing the projects should provide a more focussed atmosphere in each area rather than the potentially haphazard and lack of direction which may be conveyed if one band played all music!
It is intended that there will be six projects loosely around the below genres:
- Prog rock
- Experimental / (possibly blackened) metal
- Heavy, groove, thrash metal
- Punk rock
- Alternative rock / grunge
- Punk ska / reggae / skacore