EK9 - Features in Publications and Blogs
Regular sources of video and photo coverage
Usually by association with Honda Culture on:
http://www.6two1.com (http://initforthestatus.com)http://www.reelmotion.co.uk/
Specific Features
31st December 2010 - "2010 The Run-down".
The 'Holy EK9's!' article photo of Tegboys and my EK9's nose-to-nose is rated number 1 photo for 6two1 in 2010 on Flickr statistics. Thanks to AJ of 6two1 for taking such a good photo.
http://initforthestatus.com/2010/12/31/2010-the-run-down/3rd October 2010 - Honda Culture photoshoot.
Coverage by 6two1.com and Fast Car magazine
22nd August 2010 - Honda Culture August 2010 Milton Keynes meet
Coverage, on http://www.jt-culture.com. Write up and photos.
http://www.jt-culture.com/honda-culture-august-10/10th June 2010 - ‘Genuine Parts Are The Way Forward’ photoshoot
Feature on canibeat.com for Tegboy's wonderful EK9. My EK9 sneaks alongside by chance, in 6two1.com's photo's utilised in the article.
http://www.canibeat.com/2010/06/genuine-parts-are-the-way-forward2nd May 2010 - Honda Culture meet in Milton Keynes
Coverage by 6two1.com
http://initforthestatus.com/2010/05/07/honda-culture-in-milton-keynes/18th April 2010 - April Honda Culture Milton Keynes meet
Photoshoot featured on http://www.6two1.com. Article "Holy EK9's!" featuring my mate Tegboy's EK9 alongside mine.