DC2 Project News
The car is now about to have a re-spray. The car was prepped and taken back to bare metal in many places, etch primered and undersealed. The shell has now had the glass removed, paint purchased and garage cleaned for spraying. The Volk TE37's have been prepped and coated with etch primer about to receive their own paint also.
The subframe has been seam welded and painted, the OEM arms, sway bars etc and parts being retained have all been prepped and painted also with the old bushings painstakingly removed and the new poly bushing partly installed.
The engine has been dis-assembled (revealing it needs new bearings) and many more parts have been ordered and delivered.
Updates of all of this plus photos will be updated soon.
The car is now a bare shell with exception of the windows. This is now posted with photos on the forum build threads. The coilovers are also de-constructed and the fuel tank has been prepped and re-painted.
Camtec Facebook page is online. Website and contact lines coming soon.
The full project threads are now online on:
ITR-DC2.com Home PageEK9.org
Jon's UK Spec ITR Track Build UpProgress will be updated primalrily on those threads. Also this may be published on Camtec facebook page soon.
The car is now in Camtec garage and has had work undertaken on it. As of tomorrow this will be available on the build threads I will re-post.
The full project thread is now online on EK9.org here:
Jon's UK Spec ITR Track Build UpPlus it will shortly be duplicated online at ITR-DC2.com
ITR-DC2.com Home PageProgress will be updated primarily on those threads. Also this may be published on Camtec facebook page soon.